Sunday, February 28, 2010

Week 7 - Microblogging

I have to admit that my age or lack of desire is catching up with me this week. I have never had the desire to post a lot of details about what I am doing online. If I want to tell that to someone - I call. So, for now, I am holding off; I do not plan to set up a Twitter.

Sunday, February 21, 2010

Week 6 - Social Bookmarking - Tagging

I have created a Delicious account which was not too difficult. I think it is going to be handy to access my favorites from any computer as I don't usually have my work computer at home. Now I can add sites at home and still access them at school. The other feature that I like is the idea of creating "Bundles." This may be useful when working on different research projects for the students and I want to earmark sites that would be useful during the project, keeping all the sites together in a folder

Saturday, February 13, 2010

Week 5 RSS and Feed Readers

I chose Google Reader as my aggregator because I already have a Google account and I thought it would be easier to keep going with some items that I already understand. I have subscribed to several RSS Feeds. I did this by choosing the Browse option which allowed me to look at bundles on topics that interest me. One bundle that I selected was on libraries. I selected another bundle on cooking and a third on scrapbooking.

Now I have plenty of feeds to review. The next step will be to go in and edit the feeds as I don't want 80+ feeds to review every day.

Sunday, February 7, 2010

Week 4 Photo Sharing

I have created a Flickr account and I believe I was successful at uploading several images. I do see how I could use this feature to add pictures of the library to the library's webpage. It was not too difficult. However, I am not sure that I was successful in tagging a photo so that it would show up on the 23thingsKansas site.